Quitting something you crave is indeed not easy. But we are not born with a cigarette. It is learned and therefore has become a habit. What you do a lot you become good at, and therefore from now on it happens automatically without thinking about it. The unconscious habit has become the desire.
Non-smoking also becomes an unconscious habit after a (short) period of time. Yes, non-smoking can even get you addicted. In this course, we will provide you with the ideas and tools to do so. Success is doing what it takes. You will learn to self-treat acupressure points that inhibit your appetite and activate your metabolism. You will learn through specific affirmations to optimize your self-image to a non-smoker and eater.
To support your own feelings and behaviors, you will also receive a podcast after taking this course that will allow you to summon relaxation in the snap of a finger instead of a cigarette now and you will receive a podcast with a summary of everything that works especially effectively in the beginning and a podcast with classic hypnosis session to help your subconscious to quit smoking easier. Many non-smokers have gone before you with this method.
Until now, the cigarette and refrigerator was your hypnotist? In this webinar, you’ll learn to take charge of that from now on and think like a lean-non-smoker. You get tools and emotional power and brain techniques that support you in the change process. Without hesitation no more languages for food or a cigarette. Then you can more and more easily recall thoughts of how well that is going. A liberated feeling. And when needed, you can additionally evoke a sense of power at first need and shift your focus. Even if you are in company during work or leisure time. In all circumstances, you as a non-smoker can feel comfortable from now on. Therefore, after this webinar, the temptations of ice cream and smoking will be easier to resist.
‘The healthy slim lifestyle: stop smoking and/or being fat through quantum hypnosis-nlp‘
Webinar on Tuesday, December 14, 2021
From 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Cost: FREE
After your registration, you will receive a confirmation and 1 week prior to your participation you will receive the login code for Zoom.
- What can Quantum-Hypnosis-NLP do for you
- What is thinking like a lean-non-smoker
- Emotions and addictions
- Influence of body language and focus
- Choose the perception of a lean-non-smoker
- Beliefs and beliefs and self-esteem
- Healthy lifestyle protocol: EFT and brain techniques for a healthy lifestyle
- Start a healthy self-image
- Integrating new habits
- Taking an anchor instead of food and/or a cigarette – Successful persuasion
- How to use the podcast
- Consideration of submitted questions
The insights and skills in this webinar are based on MultiLaws, quantum laws for success, the teachings of Quantum- Hypnosis-NLP (Neuro Linguïstical Programming), where mental strength and the resulting behavior will not only lead to your desired outcome in practice, but will also enable you to cope better with the hectic pace of our time.
Riny van As, graduated as an expert in marketing communication, hypnotherapy and NLP. His 30 years of experience as a coach and trainer guarantee efficiency in awareness and change processes. A pragmatic empathy and vision, through correct tracking of individual behavioral characteristics based on research through a Metaprofile Analysis® typify his effectiveness. As an internationally certified coach and trainer, Riny van As uses the brand protected method of MindSonar® as a support tool for this. In doing so, he knows how to purposefully and effectively anticipate both the emotional striving of participants and the resulting desired outcome in their functioning. His approach led several times to interviews and demonstrations on radio and TV.
Petra M.C. van den Berg, personal and executive international coach / researcher / expert by experience / author / business consultant / co-owner of IMR® Quantum – Hypnosis – NLP
Petra guides people toward business and personal goals. Her expertise is in the field of the quantum world and operation of the brain. Petra is founder of PMC’s MultiLaws, ironclad laws that determine success in business and personal life.
She offers coaching, business consulting and provides (corporate) training in the areas of personal and business growth. She writes about issues involving mind, body and life situations, using her specialties in coaching. Petra is passionate about supporting CEOs, executives and professionals to strengthen their inner power through strong integration techniques and implementing ironclad laws. She now has more than 20 years of experience in the profession.