The quantum laws for
success, health and happiness

Methods Petra M.C. van den Berg

Quantum laws together with deepening in the mind as well as consciousness are timeless and intelligent. Resourcefulness, courage and imagination (visualization) are key ingredients.

My daily motivation and passion is the item energy and how applying and integrating the quantum laws positively affects our lives.

I have developed my philosophy of life or thought and strategy over the years. I drew inspiration from my experiences as an entrepreneur, businesswoman and personal experiences.

Personal experiences that I have gone through in my life include: a blood transfusion, jaundice, severe allergies, bulimia, burnout(s), business adversity, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, renal pelvic inflammation, an infection virus in the head and various addictions to not wanting to feel the power of “being”. The body gave me many insights about life stagnations. Through deep research as well as many insights gained further about how not to do it, all this has brought me profound knowledge about human potential (deepening the mind, the unified field). It has brought me both success and health.

In addition – and in addition to all my legal studies – I have studied our consciousness, energy and quantum physics; this is my passion, expertise together with the laws of nature (universal principles/internal laws). I have invested in (online) studies and books by among others: Deepak Chopra, Lynne McTaggart, Joe Dispenza, Roy Martina, Louise Hay, Napoleon Hill, Einstein, Dr. Bruce Lipton, various religions as well as paradigms.

What also inspires me is intuition (divine promptings), getting images in and trusting them. By applying quantum laws, you develop gifts of clairvoyance and knowing. You develop energy for clairsentience. You do this from the point of view:

  • awareness and recognition of the importance of energy knowledge
  • integrate the doctrine that everything is made up of information as well as energy
  • you learn to tune into your desired creations
  • the mind and quantum laws (read: universal principles)
  • intelligence and appropriating your full potential (understanding of self or consciousness)

How can you achieve your business and personal goals?

Our mindset related to success has everything to do with our inward flow of thoughts, feelings, memories, state of being, unconscious. Consider:

  • Beliefs and conditioning
  • Thinking
  • Spirits
  • Behavior
  • old pop-ups from the past
  • A developed character c.q. mentality
  • Intelligence (read: life force within us).

The current outcome, the situation in your life or in your business is a direct result of your previous thought patterns, developed conditioning, thoughts and especially what you are unconsciously programmed to do. This determines your behavior. Your expanded self directly drives the results in your life or business that you achieve or want to achieve.

Your personal and business potential I teach you to reach your full potential.

In short, becoming successful is the result of your own thinking and doing. Lasting success is only achieved when you understand how the mind and quantum laws (read: our inner forces) can work for you. By doing so, you will immediately gain expert self-knowledge, which you can use at any time. Questions? Feel free to call…

How do we do this?

  • Through coaching and gaining insights into yourself (self-knowledge);
  • You will learn about quantum laws and understand how they work and what they consist of;
  • You learn to see the world within yourself and work with this intelligence;
  • You will learn why a healthy lifestyle, incl. movement of the body is so important. How this relates to success. How this supports self-healing, however, also consider your self-image and success;
  • Mindset (energy state) we are going to evaluate and if necessary re-program through powerful new PMC energy set techniques (inner qualities: such as seventh sense developing: intuition etc.), Emotional Balance / EFT for Emotional Freedom Techniques / IRT releasing techniques / Meditation and Visualization(board)/ Self coaching / Trance coaching / Forgiveness techniques / Affirmations with accompanying visualization / Nutrition counseling / Ho’oponopono technique / Mediation / Imaginary training;
  • Set concrete goals and then follow PMCs strategy so that the intended outcome can develop in your life and/or business or organization.

A key pillar I use by understanding health (the physical body) and how it relates to your life and continued success.

Live in quantum style: Training 'MultiLaws: The Quantum Laws for Self Love' 2025

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'MultiLaws', get into your quantum power

Imagine Petra van den Berg with full attention teaching you one-on-one about how the inner self works, about how you are put together, why you are a quantum person and how you can reach your full potential. This is possible with the three-month intensive PREMIUM program Petra will share with you her best insights and experiences on how you can take back control of your life with your creative power.

Registration seminar

Seminar: 'MultiLaws': laws for greater success in business and personal life

January 2023 Aruba

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Seminar: 'MultiLaws': laws for greater success in business and personal life

Dec. 11 and 12, 2022 in Malaga, Spain

Registration seminar

Seminar: 'MultiLaws': laws for greater success in business and personal life

September 10 and 11, 2022 in Leiden

Registration seminar

Seminar: 'MultiLaws': laws for greater success in business and personal life

June 11 and 12, 2022 in Leiden

Registration seminar


October 2022, Malaga Spain

Registration seminar


June 2022 in Eindhoven

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Self-direction course with Quantum-Hypnosis-NLP

April 1 and 4, 2022 in Leiden

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February 4, 5 and 6, 2022 in Leiden

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"Making good intentions come true"

Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

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"Live from quantum rest"

Thursday, Nov. 25, 2021 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

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"The healthy slim lifestyle"

Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.