The quantum laws for
success, health and happiness

'Live in quantum style' training course 'MultiLaws' The quantum laws for self-love.

The goal of this training is to teach you the quantum laws of self-love (self-leadership) and authenticity, which will take your life – both on a personal and professional level – to the next level.

Self-love and authenticity

Satisfaction with yourself. So not about what is happening outside of you and whether or not you have clients, whether or not you have a big bank account. It is not about matter.

Remember: the most important indicators of success are the following:

In short, the better you take care of your body and yourself, the more freedom, abundance you will attract into your life. YOU yourself are the source for this circle of energy.

The quantum law, which we are also going to cover, says that everything is from the same source, information waves and moving loving energy and information. This law means that everything you give to yourself, you get back like a boomerang. This is because energy works magnetically and you yourself are the core that rules and can amplify this energy. And YOU are all going to learn how this works.

Really loving your body is often the hardest part. Listening to your body and intuition is especially difficult, and then acting on it. However, if you manage to do this, this is your strongest link and miracles happen.

Nutrition and self-love

Quantum shows that everything is energetic and pure. Plant foods are vibrant and in terms of nutrition contain the highest vibrations, fiber, enzymes, minerals, vitamins. Examples include: nuts, vegetables, tubers, fruits, seeds and kernels, whole grains and legumes. It makes sense that this brings and keeps you closest to your quantum self, your creative ability and power. It also initiates self-healing. After all, disease cannot thrive in an alkaline body. Other foods are all processed and have an acidifying and chemical effect on the body. This means that you feed unhealthy bacteria in the intestines, which in turn can cause diseases. Feeding the body with high-vibration food means equal opening of layers of consciousness. Feeding your body with healthy, whole foods is a powerful act that indicates that you can value yourself. It shows self-love.

What exactly are MultiLaws?

MultiLaws are multifunctional quantum laws, rules you can use to bend the quantum field to your will. These laws help you as an individual, but they also help you lead teams or groups of people. In fact, you also learn how to deal with differences in people and how people respond to you. You will discover with these MultiLaws how to change this and learn about the connection everything has through the quantum field. You become your quantum self! This helps you feel powerful, create opportunities and shape your ideal life faster. During these two days, we will explain exactly what MultiLaws are and how to use them in everyday life. We delve into the brain, quantum physics and hypnosis. Petra, the expert when it comes to MultiLaws, offers you effective exercises and techniques, and you learn how you can use MultiLaws to change reality. Through meditations, you will learn how to harness the power of focused awareness to reduce stress, or to align with your desires and the person you want to be.

For who is this training intended?

This program is designed for ambitious business people and individuals who want to know how the connection between body, mind and the quantum field works. Why exactly the body and self-care is so important. People who want depth in human potential.

It is also intended for people who want to live “quantum-style.

Times, cost and location

Three-day training: ‘MultiLaws: laws governing authentic power and self-love’

Friday, June 27, 2025 (Check-in from 2 p.m.)

Sunday, June 29, 2025 (Check out until 09:30. EInde program 17:00)

Conference Hotel Kontakt Der Kontinenten
Amersfoortsestraat 20
3769AS Soesterberg

€ 897.00

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Don't just take our word for it,

'but believe what others say about us'


The cost to participate in the training is €897.00 per participant (excluding 21% VAT), including handout and book.

Includes two nights’ accommodation: based on single room. Includes two x breakfast, lunch and dinner and further care during the training. The training takes place on three consecutive days.

Friday afternoon, June 26, at 2 p.m. Check in.

Depart Sunday, June 28, 5 p.m. Departure.


The conference hotel offers a unique combination of history and modern facilities. Housed in two characteristic buildings – the former Mission House Sint Jan and the atmospheric Monastery Cenakel – it exudes a special, serene atmosphere. Today, this location is not only a contemporary conference hotel, but also the ideal place for training and inspiration.

With a stylish restaurant and expansive woodland grounds, this hotel is the perfect setting to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle. Here everything is about connecting, learning and growing.

We deliberately chose this setting because it invites you to develop both personally and professionally. The tranquility of nature, combined with the inspiring setting, creates space for new insights and valuable exchange of ideas. So after this training you go home not only inspired, but also enriched.


Friday, June 27, 2025
Time: Part: Location:
14:00 – 17:00 Hotel check-in
17:00 – 17:30 Welcome with coffee/tea Comfort zone
17:30 – 18:30 Welcome Petra + introductions Angola
18:30 – 19:30 Joint dinner Restaurant Konekt
19:30 – 21:00 Theory quantum Angola
21:00 – 21:15 Coffee/tea break Comfort Zone
21:15 – 22:30 Explanation of techniques + evening meditation Angola
Saturday, June 28, 2025
06:30 – 09:30BreakfastRestaurant Konekt
09:30 – 10:30Morning integrationAngola
10:30 – 10:45Coffee/tea breakComfort Zone
10:45 – 12:00Theory + assignmentAngola
12:00 – 14:00Lunch breakRestaurant Konekt
14:00 – 15:00TheoryAngola
15:00 – 15:15Coffee/tea breakComfort Zone
15:15 – 17:30Deepening and integrationAngola
17:30 – 19:00DinnerRestaurant Konekt
19:00 – 20:00Q&AAngola
20:00 – 20:15Coffee/tea breakComfort Zone
20:15 – 22:30Integration + evening meditationAngola
Sunday, June 29, 2025
06:30 – 09:30Breakfast + check outRestaurant Konekt
09:30 – 10:30Morning Integration / meditationAngola
10:30 – 10:45Coffee/tea breakComfort Zone
10:45 – 12:00Theory and AssignmentAngola
12:00 – 14:00Lunch breakRestaurant Konekt
14:00 – 15:00TheoryAngola
15:00 – 15:15Coffee/tea breakComfort Zone
15:15 – 17:00Final program, integration + ClosingAngola

Leef in quantumstyle: Training ‘MultiLaws: De Quantumwetten voor Zelfliefde’ 2025


Live in quantum style: Training 'MultiLaws: The Quantum Laws for Self Love' 2025

Invoice data

'MultiLaws', get into your quantum power

Imagine Petra van den Berg with full attention teaching you one-on-one about how the inner self works, about how you are put together, why you are a quantum person and how you can reach your full potential. This is possible with the three-month intensive PREMIUM program Petra will share with you her best insights and experiences on how you can take back control of your life with your creative power.

Registration seminar

Seminar: 'MultiLaws': laws for greater success in business and personal life

January 2023 Aruba

Registration seminar

Seminar: 'MultiLaws': laws for greater success in business and personal life

Dec. 11 and 12, 2022 in Malaga, Spain

Registration seminar

Seminar: 'MultiLaws': laws for greater success in business and personal life

September 10 and 11, 2022 in Leiden

Registration seminar

Seminar: 'MultiLaws': laws for greater success in business and personal life

June 11 and 12, 2022 in Leiden

Registration seminar


October 2022, Malaga Spain

Registration seminar


June 2022 in Eindhoven

Register webinar

Self-direction course with Quantum-Hypnosis-NLP

April 1 and 4, 2022 in Leiden

Registration seminar


February 4, 5 and 6, 2022 in Leiden

Register webinar

"Making good intentions come true"

Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Register webinar

"Live from quantum rest"

Thursday, Nov. 25, 2021 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Register webinar

"The healthy slim lifestyle"

Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.