The quantum laws for
success, health and happiness

Personal growth: How the MultiLaws help you reach your potential

Many people want to grow personally, but that’s such a big term that it can mean anything. Achieving personal growth is something the MultiLaws can help you with. These laws are a kind of guide to living your ideal (business) life, and you actually achieve this only through personal growth.

Personal growth in mind

Perhaps you know the saying that thoughts become things. Namely, you see things and then think something about them, making it a thing. There is also such a thing as the power of your thoughts[1]

Fortunately, we have many similarities in the meanings we give to things; for example, a tree is a tree. But on an individual level, there are also differences. These explain why someone is happy or unhappy, for example. This is why in personal growth it is important to first examine your thoughts. Precisely because your thoughts are so powerful.

In fact, for the MultiLaws, your thoughts matter too. Because with those thoughts, you put yourself in a certain direction and unconsciously broadcast something to your environment. This in turn affects what you get back from your environment.

Good thoughts mean better things in return. So start by scrutinizing your thoughts and making them more positive. For example, determine what your ideal self looks like so you have a direction to grow toward[2].

Personal growth in acting

Changing those thoughts also causes you to act differently. In fact, unconsciously, thoughts determine much of what you do.

Do you already have an idea of how you want to act differently? Then learning something or making a habit of certain actions can cause you to unconsciously make it easier to actually do this. You can learn something just by reading a book, or even this blog. Creating a habit is done by first consciously doing something for 30 days, so that after that it is automatic and it feels weird when you don’t do it.

If you find that something is blocking you from performing certain actions, such as asking for a promotion, it’s time to re-examine your thoughts about it.

Personal growth in what you achieve

If you have improved your thoughts and skills then you are going to notice this in what you accomplish. In the opportunities that come your way. For example, because you have gained more confidence or more insights, you can better seize those opportunities and better deal with difficult situations, still creating a win-win situation out of a problematic situation.

As you change your thoughts and improve your knowledge, you also change the feeling with which you work on your personal development. Because you are happier, you have more energy to do things[3] necessary to achieve your (growth) goals.

Want to learn more about how your thoughts affect your personal growth? How your thoughts provide reciprocity with the world around you?

Please contact me without obligation.

See you soon!





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