The quantum laws for
success, health and happiness

How Taking Action MANIFests.


How Taking Action MANIFests, the law of action:

The fastest way to manifest your goals – If you apply this, success is guaranteed….

How to create momentum for your manifestations – 1 simple rule you MUST apply if you want to achieve anything at all, “action”!

Action is also a law.

We all know that feelings and thoughts of a certain frequency attract similar energy. Think of someone and by chance that person comes your way or he/she calls you. Or you are reading the newspaper and your attention falls on exactly the article you need.

A positive visualization or thought is important to determine your course you want to take in your life. The decisions you make as well as the targeted steps or actions you need to take should be in line with your visualizations. From my clients I often hear, but nothing happens…. We can visualize everything and have a clear vision of where we want to go, yet this is not enough. If you are constantly distracted, or you just sit in front of the television at night or you get stuck in a certain (bad) pattern that even dulls you, it makes you directionless and never gets you to your destination. You may even end up in a survival mechnism. A conflict arises with your purpose and willpower.

I myself once visualized living on the beautiful beaches of Aruba or Curaçao. I smelled the sea, felt the romantic energy of the island and heard the murmur of iguanas and insects in the kunuku, all during my visualization. Weeks go by. Suddenly, a person comes into my path, taking me further to realize this dream together. By the way, I had taken the necessary actions with it otherwise it would have remained just a dream. After those three weeks, I only began to take aforementioned targeted actions myself, because then I realized that nothing would happen otherwise.

Consider also top athletes, these people train physically and with imagination, but above all take the actions, training, that are in line with their end goal to achieve a top performance.

Where can you start right now, so you can discover the lightning-fast formula for manifestation for yourself

  • Observe yourself where do you get stuck taking actions?
  • Start with small steps don’t overestimate yourself. Overestimation will only backfire.
  • Say to yourself, “today I am working (i.e. taking focused action) for at least 1 hour on my goal.

What do you get in return?

  • You will find that you live more and more automatically in line with your purpose.
  • This strengthens your self-confidence, which inspires you even more to keep taking focused actions that are in line with your goal or desire.
  • Dulled energy will disappear and be replaced by actions and desired manifestations.
  • The results will become visible and your desires constantly fall to you.

This, among other things, is the result when you obey the Law of Action. But even more of course you will hear in my 2-day training!

This coming November 26, I will be giving a 2-day training where you will learn exactly how to do that. The training is based on my book, “Handbook for Universal Prosperity.” You will learn step by step how to take more focused actions each day that align with your goal.

Click here to read more about the workshop:


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10 ironclad laws for a success mindset

Two-day training course 'MultiLaws': get into your quantum power

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'MultiLaws', get into your quantum power

Imagine Petra van den Berg with full attention teaching you one-on-one about how the inner self works, about how you are put together, why you are a quantum person and how you can reach your full potential. This is possible with the three-month intensive PREMIUM program Petra will share with you her best insights and experiences on how you can take back control of your life with your creative power.

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