The quantum laws for
success, health and happiness

8 Tips to Increase Your Intentional Power

8-Tips-to-Activate-the-Power-of-IntentionAre you living or being lived? And do you live the life you really are worth living and what you really want deep from your heart. Are you living in the past or in the future. Past and future belong to the language of emotions, feelings and illusions. They are imaginations. The real reality is the eternal NOW.

Consequence of not living in the Now is that you can get burned out and experience a lot of stress and illness. And it’s a huge waste of your life. In your private life, everything has to run smoothly…. You also want to perform well at work …. Then you have your social life…. Even privately, you can no longer do without an agenda and clear appointments. Is this what you really want?

Or do you want to live more from yourself, from your heart, from consciousness with passion and inspiration? This may require action, insight and wisdom. Wisdom and new life insights will change your life. I hope to touch at least a few of you.

This will bring you closer and closer to the work of your heart, your primal self. You have so much intelligence of which you use only maybe 10% of it, You have so much love, passion, bearing and life energy.


Unconsciously, we are manifesting all day long whether at work or at home. In fact, every thought, positive or negative, contributes to how you shape your life, business or day. Sometimes you get up in the morning and you’re late and you think: this is going to be a nasty day I’m already going to be late for my appointment. Do you recognize this? We can turn these kinds of thoughts into something positive. Then your day will look completely different. An intention is a clear thought, intention about the manifestation of a desire. You focus on thoughts and feelings that relate to your desires that you desire in your life.

Below are some tips you can use business and personal:

  • Live in the here and now, then you can make focused choices and take actions. That which you long for will unfold in your life precisely because of the choices and actions you make Now.
  • Remain aware that thoughts, feelings and emotions are energy. The choice you can make is to transform negative thoughts into positive ones step by step. Pay attention to where your energy is flowing.
  • A small focused step can cause something very big and beautiful.
  • Be aware that every choice has a consequence and affects all levels.
  • Believe in yourself and your creative power with confidence and love.
  • Know that only you yourself can positively influence your life in a pleasant and simple way through intention.
  • Pay attention to how you express your intentions. If this is formulated from fear or some other emotion, then the opposite can happen.
  • Very important is the corresponding action! This is what I am going to talk about next time.

Are you curious about how best to apply these 8 tips in your life? Come to“The 7 Core Competencies of the New Leadership” training, where you will learn how to take your performance, happiness and success to the next level.

The new leadership begins with yourself.

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