The quantum laws for
success, health and happiness

Would you help me speed up healing from the Corona virus?

Dear Readers,

These last few weeks, as you have come to expect from me, you have not received any blogs and/or news. Of course, I will pick this up again with love, courage and inspiration. You didn’t get to blog because over two weeks ago my dearest all-loving father passed on. Grateful for his life and love, he lives on in my heart.


First, I would like to inform you that due to the Corona virus, we are forced to postpone the March 21-22 master class. This also applies to the 4-day quantum deepening course. All registered participants were notified by personal email over the weekend.

Of course, my offer package for online coaching continues as usual. I can help you get through times of fears, through coaching, advice from quantum law based on confidence and calmness, targeted guided meditations to boost your immune system, and/or brain techniques to fight the virus. For more information visit

During these times of crises, I give you a 50% discount off my regular rate.

Cure Corona virus support

I regularly write about our potential in relation to our health, wealth and what is going on in the world. It is important to also look at this virus from a holistic way and the support for healing.

Several scientific studies show that illness arises from a deeper (communal) conflict, a natural cause. So it also provides opportunities and possibilities to reset and rebuild from the ground up. Of course, we should not underestimate the Corona virus, on the contrary.

Through this blog, I would like to remind you to trust and not vibrate with fear. Anxiety and stress can affect your immune system. Staying calm is important. Meditate to protect yourself in love and with your heart and thoughts, send love and strength to the world. Further, check out my practical tips below.

Everything is on the line right now. It makes sense because how should world leaders deal with this event. As you hear in the media, each country does it in its own way. The Corona virus invites everyone to work together again, connect, remain compassionate and trusting.

What about you? How do you stand in this? Now also regarding the corona virus, my contention is: turn inward and lend a hand to the field (the world). Stop tending to give your attention to the outside world and allowing this focus (fear) to grow. I repeat the quantum law, “That which you focus on will grow.” Turn inward and take certain measures yourself: that is the least you can do now. Use your time productively. Take precautions against the virus yourself along with the measures taken by Prime Minister Rutte.

Healing: Will you also work with yourself?

It seems difficult but the simplest thing for healing is to start with yourself. If everyone would do this, it will certainly reduce and solve the oil spill. Then a new positive oil spill will be created. It’s not just about knowledge but more importantly about modifying behavior. From the quantum world, we ourselves are responsible for this sick oil slick.

As it were, the planet says: stop it is ready now. It is a deep subcutaneous conflict that is now playing up. It is time for us to change our lifestyle. Back to basics, to our nature. The virus is partly caused by humanity’s materialism. Leaders should also promote quantum legislation in conjunction with their actions. This positive effect will naturally spread to its employees and/or population.

As you begin healing, consider the following items and tips:

  • Meditating: really important for your physical and mental health and fitness
  • Focused meditation toward health
  • Help each other
  • Boost your immune system with natural foods, vegetables, fruits (think: vitamin C, D, A is antiviral, B and E is a powerful antioxidant, among others)
  • Sending love, compassion and peace to yourself, the world and leaders
  • Pray for one another and meditate for affected areas
  • Moving in nature
  • Heart rate optimization (so the ego and conflict dims); it is the bridge to a higher, new and healthy energy level
  • Apply homeopathy, and techniques to boost the immune system. Facts and tips about the Corona virus. Look for upcoming webinar on Thursday, March 19 from Roy and Joy Martina
  • Work on confidence and inner peace instead of fear and panic
  • Develop the right mind-set for creating better conditions
  • Last but not least, adhere to corona measures.

Furthermore, I also want to reflect on the fact of actually staying inside. So do it. Wash your hands regularly. Now that you are forced to stay inside, start working on your own inner strength for the benefit of the world but also to keep yourself and those around you healthy and not to spread the virus further.

Will you help me?

In connection with preparations, I would love to help you in resetting the world. What is the greatest challenge for you right now? Do you feel fears? What is your biggest concern? Do you want to change your lifestyle but are not succeeding? Can you let go? I want to respond to questions you have these coming weeks. Please answer my questions through a reply to this blog. For this I am super grateful to you.

In conclusion

There is only one way to express the potential and draw your environment and world into it – consciously and unconsciously. However, this is precisely what is most difficult and incomprehensible to most. It is about self-reflection.

Keep up the courage, see you soon.

Love Petra

Advisor in quantum law.

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