The quantum laws for
success, health and happiness

With awareness, you can also think of a judge or mediator

The quantum (success) law of consciousness: A judge sometimes offers help.

Consciousness is a domain in which all inner currents (thoughts, emotions, programmed routines and behaviors, feelings, attitudes, habits, routine reactions, memories and beliefs) arise. In fact, consciousness is our mind. It is potential, the field of possibilities. It has no beginning and no end. It is always there. Consciousness is infinite and is not part of time and space.

Every person is unique. One has high consciousness and the other contains lower consciousness.

Consciousness is in fact pure intelligence, a kind of foundation at the level of the soul. From consciousness, information and creation naturally bubble up. It continuously sends us messages through images, insights, instinct and intuition. Like pop-ups, you get images or hunches popping up. In the purest form of consciousness, think about: clairvoyance, clairsentience and clear feeling. The more you connect with your inner self, pure power and your potential, the more you expand your consciousness.

So everything arises in our consciousness. This means that your thinking capacity is within you. You are not your thinking. And it means that your body was created in you, you are not your body. In short, the world is within you. Nature also exists within ourselves. She does not exist outside of us. If you learn to tune into your nature, the movement of energy and harmony, you will experience flow and synchrony. This means that everything happens to you exactly when you need it or think about it. Think of it as circuits, or affirmations, that only you yourself can create from the inside out. You can also think of it this way: consciousness organizes through your brain the best possible outcomes to each event. These outcomes correspond to your inner currents, or mindset. If you resist the natural flows (flow or synchrony), you will encounter stagnation and resistance.

The mystic Rumi said, “You are not the drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in the drop.

This is because everything in yourself arises through your consciousness. Your consciousness affects matter, situations and energy. Consciousness is energy and energy has consciousness. According to the quantum model, at the most basic level we are energy with consciousness. Through awareness you gain experiences.

What does this law say?

The law of consciousness is a principal law, a guiding law. It is an absolute law. This means that consciousness always seeks balance and continually merges all parts into one whole. In fact, the entire universe continuously conspires for us to exist. The parts that are not conscious are also merged. Indeed, for most, 95% of behavior is unconscious. Behavior is automatically driven by environmental factors and ingrained conditioning and responses. The basis of our brains were formed by the primordial reptilian brain. This brain is over 300 million years old. By observing and acknowledging your own behavior, you can measure how high or wide your awareness is. With this you can raise your vibration (i.e. consciousness) again.

An example

Jake believed in his ability to manifest self-desired goals faster through his mindset. However, he is someone who constantly feels that everything is going wrong, and unconsciously he wielded a disbelief in himself as a result. This feeling also caused him to continuously attract less pleasant circumstances into his life. This behavior stemmed from his past, which he had been struggling with for a long time. In fact, our behavior is determined by consciousness. Jake, meanwhile, nurtured resistance, had conflicts with others and felt frustrated. This did not expand his consciousness. On the contrary, his belief did not have any positive effect on his goals because his reptilian brain responded automatically and unconsciously (instinctively). The reptilian brain does not remember or think; it always responds immediately automatically. The reptilian brain constantly wants to stay in its comfort zone with everything. Our reptilian brain is so powerful that it functions beyond your conscious belief.

When Jake finally became aware of his attitudes and behaviors, he started reprogramming his brain so that the subconscious was also properly saturated with the right supportive suggestions. Also, he learned to meditate. Because only positive thinking didn’t work for Jake, then! The negativity was deeply nestled in his subconscious. Through reprogramming, which I will return to later in my articles and book, and by meditating, he penetrated deeply into his subconscious so that he could make lasting positive changes. Jake thus became smarter than his reptilian behavior. By becoming aware of this piece of reptilian brain and adjusting his automatic patterns, he became calm and his life changed completely for the better. In short, his consciousness had expanded and grown.

For Jake, the negative feeling had originated in his childhood. The problem could only be solved by going to another level than the one where the problem originated (the belief in his ability to manifest goals faster). By reprogramming his mind, Jake was able to change the negativity into a new energy state. This energy state matches his belief that he can manifest anything with ease in his goals. And as a result, he drew desirable situations into his life.

With awareness, you can also think of a judge or mediator

Two parties have a conflict and go to a mediator or judge. Their impartiality constitutes higher awareness and greater flexibility, allowing the right insights to be given to the two parties. Being a certified mediator myself, I have experienced cases where I came to the conclusion that conflict was really a piece of unconscious behavior. Once parties became aware of their behavior and the problem, a lot of positive things already changed. So we call this awareness and healing.

So the advantage of a judge or mediator can be to have someone on the outside looking in and someone who is just not emotionally involved in the situation.

Just what is the essence of the law of consciousness?

We can always expand consciousness naturally, leading to possibilities and solutions. The bottom line is that it is an always ongoing process. Too many restrictions prevent your consciousness from flowing freely. Then stagnations occur. The most common blockage is belief and ego. We find it difficult to believe that there is more and that we can therefore create and manifest everything ourselves through our thoughts and beliefs. By untangling and changing your beliefs (for example, by reprogramming your mindset or meditating) you naturally expand your consciousness. As a result, awareness permeates everything in your life, and your life becomes much easier and more peaceful, and solutions and desires unfold spontaneously.

Next week you will have a case study and practical example related to this law.

See you soon!

Good luck and take good care of yourself.

Petra van den Berg
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Petra van den Berg

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