The quantum laws for
success, health and happiness

Our mind is an incredibly powerful tool

The preconditions of cosmic knowledge

Knowledge of the universal laws is magical and also means self-knowledge. It helps increase the likelihood of successful situations using various mindsets. Our mind is an incredibly powerful tool through which we can collectively improve and/or enrich our work, health and happiness. This allows us as humans to communicate with many more people relevantly and unconsciously. In a company, for example, with the staff and the right focus. But beware! Do not underestimate the essential preconditions and pitfalls here.

I recently conducted an evaluation interview with a participant of one of my Masterclass training courses. This director of a large company surprised me by saying, “I have learned that paying attention to the positive things in my company have carried me and my staff along to solutions of things that were actually going much less well.” In short, then, the deeper meaning of the cry “what you pay attention to … grows” is crucial to any structural change, whether personal or business. I would like to elaborate on this precondition.


When we focus on what is not going well, our energy will leak away and thereby also attract low manifestations. And because this law implies that our collective and individual feelings manifest thoughts, it will increasingly pull down the things that are going well. Finally, what you give attention to … grows, so that’s where your energy goes. What flows through your attention then shapes your brain and situation.

Positive change

Many managers focus on the very thing that is not going well. Because of their attitude and behavior, employees may go along with their manager’s focus. This behavior then has a negative effect on the entire staff and organization, potentially reducing productivity. If the manager gives attention to stimulating thoughts and change, this will initiate positive change.

Develop an intelligent mindset

If you want to make the universal laws your own and make them much more appropriate to the flow of our current times and achieve even greater success as a result, study these laws. Again, this will affect the brain (read: brain cells / read also: neurons) and go  to connect when they fire together; they form an even more powerful network cq. synapse(s). In short, the preliminary work for a positive outcome is: give proper attention to your actions, your drives, your thoughts and – very importantly – your feelings!

Consciously asking questions of yourself

Asking questions is very important and essential for awareness of yourself, as well as others. A good question adds value and gets you thinking about new actions yet to be taken. Self-reflection allows you to dwell on your own actions and thoughts. Conveniently, you can research this just fine. This often leads to great insights into yourself, your behavior and how it affects your own environment. Insights into yourself can give you the opportunity to change your actions and thus your actions and thereby improve the quality of your life and/or work. Ask yourself what effect your actions are having on your environment and/or on your desires. To what extent are you responsible for this? By consciously asking questions, you increase your self-knowledge (read: also cosmic knowledge) and become aware of your own behavior, thoughts and where your attention is flowing. Do you want to adjust the flow or is it going in the right direction?

In conclusion

We are all creatures of habit. In other words, we have a certain habit of how to act (often unconsciously), but also how we approach and treat certain things. By asking many questions, awareness and self-knowledge, you can easily bring change to yourself and therefore to your environment. Don’t be too hard on yourself, attention can be changed. Give compliments to yourself and to others. Visualize, meditate and practice on awareness. Confront yourself! What are you thinking about now? Is this the direction you want to go (by the way, you can apply this question to all areas of your life)? If so, you’re doing it right. If not, change your focus to what you do want to achieve.

Do you want to know more about the ancient universal rules of the game that we as humans have forgotten, dumbed down or denied? Then buy my book or request information about online seminars, trainings, (online) coaching and upcoming master classes .

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