The quantum laws for
success, health and happiness

If you want guidelines to prevent burnout, read on….

If you want guidelines to prevent burnout, read on….

Last October there was an article in the Financieel Dagblad about being burned out due to a high workload. More and more people are dropping out due to excessive workload. Remarkably, the amount of sick leave doubled because of stress and mental illness, this often causes long-term absenteeism. Absenteeism is disruptive and annoying for the employer, and you run big financial risks with it.

The remaining employees suffer if the sick colleague’s position is not filled. Employees lose control and oversight because of the volume of work and, as a result, fall into stress themselves and react to each other from emotions. This does not promote the work atmosphere.

Below, I’m going to give you a deeper understanding of “a universal lawfulness, “the law of attraction. Ancient but a very important law; which is a constitution of all other laws.

So all the more reason to check deeper into your organization’s and staff’s system and stay alert to encourage early action.

As an employer, you want healthy employees who feel good about themselves and are comfortable both physically and mentally. Treating each other well with respect and understanding. As a result, they and you will function better in their work. As director, you don’t have conflicts, sick calls or legal issues related to the Wet Verbetering Poortwachter. Consider the consequences of the employee’s or employer’s failure to comply with this law.

Conflict also leaves a lot of money lying around, because there is no production

 It is worth mentioning that absenteeism is often lower in small companies than in large collective institutions. This is because in smaller companies the threshold for calling in sick is higher because people here know each other more intimately. In larger institutions, it is often more anonymous, such as the cabinet or municipality. Here, people do not think so quickly about the consequences of absenteeism.

Remarkably, a medical view to absenteeism is quickly adopted by those involved. The sequel is that the executives do not have to dwell on their own input or situation, and the image(mindset) of the disease is maintained along with the high cost, because after all, the doctor says…….

We cannot, NOT manifest, this is rule of thumb 1 and applies to all levels. You can bring about through this knowledge that you have healthy and happy staff running through a proper mindset.

Here are some guidelines for you as an employer to start with. This one I give you as a gift in advance….

Guideline 1

What is the state of your subconscious and that of your staff. Most of your thoughts, behaviors, emotions and feelings are unconscious. Every moment you are manifesting your reality, with what you think, feel and do(mindset). The more aware you yourself become of your subconscious the more focused you can manifest (all together).

However, the subconscious mind is the seat of our conditioning, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, traumas and habits. Most of this is unconscious and past.

Carl Jung, Napoleon Hill and several once estimated that the consciousness that we as human beings handle is about 95% unconscious and thus we cannot directly accessibly influence this. This leads to unconscious arising. Nevertheless, our subconscious mind has a great effect on our behavior and whole doing and influences our creations.

Guideline 2

What is the state of sports? Moving is good for everything: a strong body, a strong mind, creative ideas, moving opens your cells to create & receive

Guideline 3

Our brains are constantly being rearranged based on our experiences. New experiences involve new structures (and changes) in our brains. Our brain functions through a large network and connections made up of neurons. Thus, these connections and structure can be positively influenced.

New research concerning our brain has shown in recent decades that we can form new synapses and neural wiring. In short, we can create new brain connections that give us the ability to, for example, learn new skills, unlearn old beliefs and habits, use intelligence more, reprogram your subconscious, repair damage, etc.

In short, the effect is miraculous: a new positive mindset.


Above all, awareness is an essential item to increase success and reduce absenteeism in your business or organization.

Interested in a new approach for every level with all of us! And do you want to implement new insights and practices that achieve success? Send me an email…


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10 ironclad laws for a success mindset

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