Dear Reader,
I just posted a short video on my YouTube channel, following on from my last blog, with a little exercise.
Everything is already latent. You can read this from my last blog. We do need to make inner changes (turning our attention inward) to create new possibilities.
All quantum laws, which by the way are not visible, point in one direction, namely growth and evolution.
Becoming proficient in placing energy inwardly
Research shows that when we place energy inside even various parts of the brain work together. You too can score with the law of quantum unity that I wrote my last article on. You can make this law operative in your life.
Inner events can open new doors, or in other words, we ourselves can activate them to new possibilities. It is continuous process. The fact is that to act against the flow of these laws takes energy.
We can all learn to (re)program our brains) to create new possibilities. If we all keep practicing and become very skilled at it, we can change new worlds together.
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Thank you for listening.
Be safe and healthy.
Kind regards,