The quantum laws for
success, health and happiness

How can you expand your consciousness

Dear Reader,

My conclusion about consciousness

Through experiences and self-knowledge, you keep moving forward toward new possibilities, opportunities and thus new consciousness. By gaining more and more self-knowledge and being constantly alert to what you are thinking, you are already expanding your consciousness. What you pay attention to, (i.e., your awareness and energy) that grows. Click through to the law of energy:

Every insight is consciousness in motion. At the moment of a new insight, your brain will process this new outpouring of energy. This is because thought, feeling, vibration, energy and a life situation is one unified field. From this you can conclude that you can only create something new if you change your thoughts, emotions and feelings (is all energetic). By creating something new, I mean pulling new situations and circumstances into your life.

The subconscious mind

The subconscious, on the other hand, believes everything we say and think. It knows no true or false, it is directly connected to what you are thinking or feeling. It never says no and knows no humor. Your word is law. The subconscious does not condemn or judge. The subconscious mind precisely creates our lives in accordance with our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. If you are familiar with my work you know that the subconscious mind is much more predominant than the conscious mind. When we are willing to tinker with our inner workings: that is, change words, thoughts and beliefs into positive suggestions that actually support and contribute to our goals, our lives and bodies will change forever. This fact extends itself so far that when we choose to truly work on ourselves, we simultaneously raise the vibration level of society.

Recent studies

The research below shows how a certain mindset determines what a person experiences in their life. Optimists versus pessimists. Read here.

In particular, it is interesting how you can expand your consciousness, promote health, by changing your thinking and beliefs. We create a new consciousness, so to speak, and to this new way of thinking our body and life will respond at all times.

How can we expand our consciousness in these difficult times?

We limit our consciousness by absorbing too much information from outside. As a result, we bring chaos into our lives. We have all created a world that is insane! Nevertheless, we always have an opportunity as well as a choice to reduce illness, or in other words, to expand our consciousness. I trust the guidelines, but also my own experiences and thinking, quantum (success) laws, my intuition. In doing so, I consciously reject negativity and toxic information and emotions. Daily, I strive for inner peace, awareness, balance and health.

A few tips on how to consciously stay healthy:

✍️ Don’t make yourself busier than necessary because restlessness creates stress, and stress is the root cause of disease.

✍️Geef surrender to government guidelines (such as social distance).

✍️Het is time for self-care and it really starts with yourself: healthy thoughts and emotions: this will also help strengthen your immune system.

✍️Wees kind, have compassion and empathy for yourself and others. Bless yourself and others with love.

✍️Gezonde nutrition and exercise.

✍️Dankbaar be for what you already have.

✍️Doe to mind/body work (positive behavior change).

✍️Leef in the present, talk to your subconscious: “I am taking control of my life,” “My emotions are loving and my body is vital and joyful” (or becoming more vital and joyful). ‘My immune system is getting stronger every day.’

Finally meditate

Our society has made meditation something secretive and difficult. However, meditation is so ancient. It is the simplest thing you yourself can do to upgrade your life.

Consider meditating as your inner strength. Indeed, meditation is a bridge to expanded consciousness, the field of all possibilities and potential. The level where all quantum (success) laws instantly prevail. Meditation is learning to quiet your critical voice. It does take patience, courage and perseverance to learn to let go of your ingrained personality. You need to pass through layers and learn to surrender yourself to the unknown. These very layers that are holding you back from getting to expanded consciousness, which is what you are creating your life with. Each time you pass through a layer of this covering of impatience, inner voice, doubts, limitations, the body that constantly resists, your comfort zone, control, the known, your connection to your invisible pure self becomes stronger and stronger. You get more and more in touch with your inner power. Do it your own way and make a first step. All is well, there are so many unique ways.

Keep practicing regularly

Remember that when you feel uncomfortable while meditating or a certain entrapment arises, you are actually moving in the right direction. When you feel this bottleneck, you can make the choice to push through and give yourself over.

Just start, close your eyes. If necessary, ask yourself, “how do I get to my inner peace and wisdom. Allow whatever comes up, even if they are negative thoughts. Do not judge or condemn these thoughts. Look at them and let them flow by. You can also focus on one word during a meditation process, for example, “peace” or one phrase “I am peace (or joy). And repeat this word (or phrase) as a kind of mantra.

You too can do it!

Warm regards,

Petra M.C. van den Berg


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