The quantum laws for
success, health and happiness

10 Essential MultiLaws

Here are 10 essential MultiLaws, quantum laws that determine greater happiness and success. With these you can develop your unlimited possibilities step by step and successfully transform your life.

Do you also want to easily achieve your big dream or goal?

What if you realized that you already have all the knowledge yourself and could be more productive by acting less, but more focused?

The way to change your life is to change yourself, your inner energy, turn your attention inward, disconnect from the outside world and learn a new way of thinking. This will change the internal energy you are constantly emitting.

To live according to these life-changing laws is to give yourself access to deep self-knowledge, or the divine field.

You then live in the field of all possibilities and your life will change positively without too much effort.

Make sure that these laws carry over into your life!

These MultiLaws have nothing to do with religion or mystical movements. They are laws substantiated by scientific research.

There have been many studies, personal experiences and measurements from which the conclusion can be drawn that you cannot achieve a goal without first creating this goal within yourself. According to Petra, your inner world is the real world. The outside world is a consequence.

Wherever you are, whoever you are and whatever your current situation is, by applying and integrating these laws and guidelines into your daily life, you can change yourself and your life at any time. You will be amazed at how you begin to see possibilities through your very problems.

Assume that everything consists of consciousness or energy and information in ourselves and in our universe, and that the equal creates the equal. We can only create from within to without.

Herewith 10 important MultiLaws that will change your life:

1. The law of vibration.

Everything in the universe, life and our world moves and vibrates in circular patterns. The same fundamentals or vibrational frequency in our physical world and also in our physical body apply to all matter, thoughts, emotions, feelings, desires, beliefs and statements.

With this, we produce energy that simultaneously creates the same energy vibration in our lives. All energy is frequency and carries information. Ask yourself: what message do I want to send out? What future do I want to create? The same or a different one?

Through self-knowledge and laws, only we ourselves can create and change events and situations in our visible lives.

2. The law of behavior.

Cause and effect. At all times, the universe gives you the result, or consequences, of your intention and behavior. Is this the behavior that fits the outcomes you are striving for? Does this behavior or your attitude match your future self?

What is your current situation? Are your behavior, mindset and intention in alignment?

What will you have to modify about your behavior now that you know that all behavior, every thought or action produces a result and a consequence, whether they are desired or not? New actions will produce a different new result.

Tip: Check with yourself how your behavior is being directed. By conscious intentions, by the environment or by a situation you find yourself in which you are in

old habits linger? Check your beliefs and thought patterns. Start working on these.

3. The law of choice.

Comfort Zone: whether it’s money, career, financial independence, relationship, health, working less, having more free time, ask yourself where you are right now in your life. Do you need to step out of something and make a choice to move forward?

By choosing, you clear a path, through which the universe will give you support and it will give you the best possible outcome for that choice. Be sharp, have confidence and, of course, believe in yourself!

Tip: check your situations. Where do you need to make a choice? Examine the motivation: is it from yourself or are you doing it for someone else? Be alert and make sure that you make the choice and not that the other person makes the choice for you.

4. The law of persuasion.

What are your beliefs? Where do these come from and ask yourself if you want to keep them or change them. In short, do I want to create a different outcome or manifestation?

What you believe or don’t believe: you are right. The universe will always provide you with the result or situation of your inner self, your beliefs and faith.

Tip: Check with yourself if you have a limiting belief and how life has responded to it through a situation. What does this belief get you? If this belief is hindering you from achieving your goal, you need to work with this belief immediately.

5. The law of value.

How much value do you attribute to yourself? What is your added value? Only you yourself can determine and judge what you are worth. Another can only do it for himself and not for you.

This law intends that the universe will always respond to you through situations or people by the vibration (energy) of the value you feel and emit.

Tip: reflect on yourself. How much value have you placed on yourself? Dare to say no to values that do not match your self-worth and core values and stay close to yourself. The universe will rearrange and give you the right situation.

6. The law of the body.

The body is our greatest source of abundance. How do you treat and nourish your body? Are you aware of your body and are you consciously and lovingly giving it attention and whole food? Do you allow the body to move and exercise?

When you take good care of yourself and the body, remain incorruptible to yourself and perform actions that reflect your self-love, the universe makes sure that all your heart’s desires come true in your life. This is how energy works!

If you exclude body consciousness, all kinds of disturbances can occur simultaneously on all levels of life.

Tip: scan your body every day. What do you feel, where does the body need attention? Choose those things that make your body happy and energized.

Petra van den berg

7. The law of the ego.

The ego can consume a lot of energy when we focus our attention on this, along with “always wanting to be right.

When we let go of this (ego), this energy is released. As a result, the universe will fill these free orbits with desired intentions (situations).

Tip: Every night before you go to sleep, let the day go by like a movie. Perhaps it is best for you not to do it right before bed, but a while before. Observe yourself and become aware when you acted from your heart or from your ego. This awareness is already healing. Then imagine how you would have liked to act.

8. The law of gratitude.

This is perhaps one of the most important laws for creating abundance and contentment. The amount of gratitude you have given, you always get back or is even more abundant.

The universe, or quantum field, will respond to you at all times by giving at least the equivalent and even much more to the amount of gratitude you sincerely feel and give, or have previously given.

Start by being grateful before you start anything. Be grateful for the smallest details in your life. What are you grateful for?

Tip: Start with small acts of gratitude. Be grateful with every action you begin, from the morning until you go to bed, and say thank you. See what miracles happen in your life after a week.

9. The law of forgiveness.

By forgiving yourself and forgiving another, you give yourself and even the other freedom. Unconsciously, this works through, also to the other person. Do you give yourself forgiveness and love? The law of forgiveness ensures that after forgiveness there is free energy again.

The universe will immediately rearrange everything after your forgiveness so that you feel redeemed and desires can be fulfilled.

Tip: Check with yourself whether you are bothered by a particular person or situation. If so: that is a signal to go within and forgive yourself and send love to the person in question from your heart.

10. The law of award.

Favor, give and be happy for another’s successes. How do you look at others? Do you feel joy?

The universe will respond and give you what you grant and give to the other.

Keep reminding yourself: everything you give to another, you also give to yourself.

Tip: check your frequency of giving and receiving. What do you feel when you wish everyone, including your worst enemy, success and love? Keep in mind that everything you receive in your life is partly based on what you have given and granted to others.

Petra provides coaching and advice from the thoughts of the quantum world: absolute, powerful laws. A coaching program from Petra means facilitating yourself or your employees to make new inner networks their own. This changes your behavior permanently and your energy positively. This energy determines all the results you experience in your life.

Are you facing a business or life issue?

No matter. Petra has mentored and coached many business people, executives as well as adults and children to become aware of their power and their power to positively change personal beliefs and self-image. We are not always able to see all the potential that is out there. Our personal unseen vibrations also have amazing effects.

By explaining the science of quantum laws, all of her clients gained confidence and all became stronger. The laws are always doing their work and affecting every aspect of your life. These laws can completely reverse everything. Consider career, relationships, health and finances. Your personal energy and self-insight are the two main concepts that influence the results of your goals.

It is Petra’s mission and passion to teach you to make these laws active in your life. As a result, you will begin to see profound changes and results.

You are going to experience solutions to your problems emerge. Imagine how suddenly it is no longer complicated to confidently and peacefully achieve your goals and grow yourself or your organization!
And that with self-assurance you have in your hands these unique laws and brain techniques that you can apply immediately, giving you confidence and peace of mind. After which you know that your own energy and mindset determine your results.

Imagine how that has a lasting impact on your life and changes it forever.

Valuable knowledge that hardly anyone possesses is now available to you. Take this opportunity!

Petra stands for maximizing your potential, living contentedly and for health, do you?

Want more information? Would you like to Be successful in life from peace and connection and with confidence? Would you like to learn to live in synchrony? With all the love Petra will teach you how to optimize your (business) life.

Email and for more information: visit

Two-day training course 'MultiLaws': get into your quantum power

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'MultiLaws', get into your quantum power

Imagine Petra van den Berg with full attention teaching you one-on-one about how the inner self works, about how you are put together, why you are a quantum person and how you can reach your full potential. This is possible with the three-month intensive PREMIUM program Petra will share with you her best insights and experiences on how you can take back control of your life with your creative power.

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